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sociolinguistic expectations   |  children   |  triangulation |  English in Dutch | developmental socioilnguistics

Schuring, M., Rosseel, L. & Zenner, E. (2025, in press). Children’s emerging sociolinguistic expectations around social roles: a triangulated approach. Linguistics Vanguard.

sociolinguistic expectations   |  roleplay elicitation   |  roleplay identification |  children | English in Dutch 

Schuring, M., Rosseel, L. & Zenner, E. (2024). Expectation through imitation: towards a unified protocol for roleplay in developmental sociolinguistics. Language Sciences, 

Dutch   |  English   |  language regard |  lexical borrowing | social roles

Schuring, M., Rosseel, L. & Zenner, E. (2023). Says who? Language regard towards speaker groups using English loanwords in Dutch. Folia Linguistica

anglicisms   |  youth language    |  developmental sociolinguistics |  sociolinguistic interview | preadolescence  |   Belgian Dutch 

Schuring, M., Zenner, E. (2022). English from scratch: Preadolescents’ developing use of English lexical resources in Belgian Dutch. Frontiers in Communication, (Special Issue: Englishes in a Globalized World: Exploring Contact Effects on Other Languages).

qq chose me dit que   |  marqueur évidentiel    |  source d'information |  marqueur d'intuition | inférence évidentielle  |   perception 

Dendale, P., Schuring, M.  (2023). "Quelque chose me dit que" et l’indication du recours à l’intuition, une nouvelle catégorie évidentielle. In: L. Rouanne, J-C. Anscombre, G. Kleiber (Eds.), Histoires de dire 3, (251-273). Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783034345941.

anglicisms   |  hashtag    |  mot-dièse |  mot-clic | hashtaguisation  

Schuring, M., Vanderheyden, A. (2022). Parlez-vous #hashtag ? Quelques éclairages sur l’anglicisme hashtag et ses substituts français mot-dièse et mot-clic. In: SHS Web of Conferences: vol. 138, (Paper No. 11015), (1-14). Presented at the 8th World Congress of French Linguistics, Orléans, FRANCE. 

visiblement   |  adverbs |  evidentiality |  prosody

Dendale, P., Vanderheyden, A. & Schuring, M.  (2022). Visiblement, adverbe de phrase évidentiel ou visiblement, adverbe de constituant exprimant la manière. La prosodie comme nouveau critère. Langages, 227(3), 57-78. 10.3917/lang.227.0057

à ce que je vois   |  evidentiality |  inferential marker 

Schuring, M., Dendale, P. (2020). Qu’est-ce qu’on voit quand on dit 'à ce que je vois' ? À propos de l’évidentialité inférentielle et perceptuelle. In: SHS Web of Conferences: vol. 78, (Paper No. 05004), (1-15). Presented at the 7th World Congress of French Linguistics, Univ Montpellier 3, Montpellier, FRANCE. doi: 10.1051/shsconf/20207805004 

Sociolinguistics Circle 2025

 Variation in Language Acquisition

Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
invited talk




Leiden University |   4 April   |   2025  | w/ Steven Verheyen, Laura Rosseel and Eline Zenner

Je hoort het, je ziet het, je weet het: hoe kinderen over het verschil tussen Engelse leenwoorden en het Nederlands reflecteren

University of Potsdam |   18 March   |   2025  | w/ Dorien Van De Mieroop, Laura Rosseel and Eline Zenner

“You really can’t speak English, hey?”: teenagers’ evaluation of socially meaningful language use in interaction



SLE 2024


CoBra meeting
invited talk

Erasmus University Rotterdam |   3 May   |   2024  | w/ Eline Zenner & Laura Rosseel 

The socio-pragmatic value of children’s use of English in Dutch: developing the connection between language, world and mind

KU Leuven 
maxi presentations


TÜling Series
invited talk

Tartu, Estonia (online)  |   30 April   |   2024  | w/ Eline Zenner & Laura Rosseel 

Playing with English. (Pre)adolescents and the social meaning of English in development

Workshop on
Language as a social habit


Tilburg  |   29 February   |   2024  | w/ Eline Zenner & Laura Rosseel 

Heterogeneity in developing habits. Emerging sociolinguistic expectations on language contact and social roles.



Taalontwikkeling kinderen in Nederland en Vlaanderen

Utrecht  |   10 November  |   2023  | w/ Eline Zenner  & Laura Rosseel 

Rating, roleplay and reflection. Triangulating children’s emerging sociolinguistic expectations on English loanwords in Belgian Dutch

16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

Düsseldorf  |   7-11 August   |   2023  | w/ Eline Zenner  & Laura Rosseel 

Farmer Jan featuring film star Brad. A cognitive socio-onomastic take on English first name stereotypes in Flanders

16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

Düsseldorf  |   7-11 August   |   2023  | w/ Eline Zenner & Laura Rosseel  

The cognitive reality of ‘talking like’. Modeling linguistic stereotype formation in preadolescents’ roleplay

Linguistics seminar series
University of Waikato
Invited Tal

Hamilton - New Zealand  |   5 July  |   2023   

Children, challenges and checklists: studying young language users’ development of social meaning

14th International Symposium on Bilingualism

Sydney  |   26-30 June   |   2023   

New approaches to studying social meaning in child bilingualism. Theme session.

Sydney  |   26-30 June   |   2023  | w/ Eline Zenner  

Ready, set, action! Socially meaningful English elements in Belgian Dutch preadolescents’ roleplay

5th Variation in Language Acquisition conference

Brussels  |   1-2 June   |   2023  | w/ Eline Zenner

Spilled soda, smashed cameras and “I wanna go home’s”: remodeling sociolinguistic fieldwork with kids





Sociolinguistic Symposium 24

Ghent  |   18 November   |   2022  | w/ Eline Zenner

Microlevel stylization, macrolevel stereotypes: De ontwikkeling van style-shifts bij preadolescenten

Stanford  |   13-15 October   |   2022  | w/ Laura Rosseel & Eline Zenner

Says who? Language regards towards speaker groups using English loanwords in Dutch


Stanford  |   13-15 October   |   2022  | Eline Zenner

Project OMG: The social meaning of contact-induced variation in preadolescence


Ghent  |   13-16 July   |   2022  | w/ Eline Zenner

Stereotypes in preadolescents’ stylization: social meaning in development​


LingO 2022
Language and society

Oxford   |   24 June   |   2022  | w/ Eline Zenner

The Stylization Task: A new method to elicit sociolinguistic stereotypes​



Vienna/online   |   11-14 April   |   2022  |   Poster Presentation |  w/ Eline Zenner

​From zero to hero. Identifying the point of acceleration of English as a socially meaningful lexical resource for Belgian Dutch children.



Vienna/online   |   11-14 April   |   2022  |   Paper Presentation |  w/ Eline Zenner

On the emergence and development of English as a youth language marker​


Sociolinguistics Circle 2022

Leuven   |   1 April   |   2022  | w/ Eline Zenner

The way into jongerentaal? Engelse woorden in de taalproductie van Vlaamse preadolescenten​



Symposium on Multilingual Children and their Imaginative Worlds

University of Oslo, online   |   11-12 November   |  2021 |   Paper Presentation |

w/ Eline Zenner

Socio-onomastics meets roleplay​


Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium

University of Edinburgh, online   |   15-26 October   |  2021 |   Paper Presentation |

w/ Eline Zenner

Wazzup with English in Belgian Dutch preadolescents’ language use? Acquiring socially meaningful contact-induced variation​


Linguists' Day  
Linguistic Society of Belgium


Vrije Universiteit Brussel   |   22 October   |  2021 |   Paper Presentation |

w/ Eline Zenner

Inspelen op stereotypen: contactgebaseerde lexicale variatie in het rollenspel van Vlaamse preadolescenten​


Fifth International Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization

University of Klagenfurt, online   |   9-10 September   |  2021 |   Paper Presentation |

w/ Eline Zenner & Laura Rosseel

Contact-induced variation and community beliefs: societal roles using English in Dutch​


Phd Day 2021

KU Leuven   |   8-9 September   |  2021 |   Paper Presentation |

w/ Eline Zenner​

Challenge accepted! Exploring the development of social meaning of English in Belgian Dutch preadolescents


5th Variation and Language Processing Conference

University of Copenhagen   |   25-27 August   |  2021 |   Paper Presentation |

w/ Eline Zenner & Laura Rosseel​

Perceptions of and attitudes towards contact-induced variation:

The case of societal roles using English in Dutch


4th Variation in Language Acquisition Conference

Rorschach, online   |   2-4 June   |  2021 |   Paper Presentation |

w/ Eline Zenner ​

Say what? Preadolescents' acquisition of sociolinguistic variation in the Dutch–English contact situation


International Conference on Youth Languages

Manchester Metropolitan University, online   |   26-28 May  |  2021 |   Paper Presentation | w/ Eline Zenner ​

English lexical resources in Belgian Dutch preadolescents’ language use


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KU Leuven Campus Brussel

Warmoesberg 26

1000 Brussel

© 2024 by Melissa Schuring

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