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Special issue: call for papers

Kelly Shoecraft and I are guest editing a Special Issue for the International Journal of play. The theme of the SI is "Many Roles, Many languages - Emergent Multilingualism in Children's Role Play". More information can be found on this website

Science outreach

4 October 2024
Lecture @Sint-Niklaas
Week van het Nederlands

"Mama, waar is mijn shiny unicorn?"

Mythes en waarheden over Engelse leenwoorden in het Nederlands van Vlaamse kinderen

Illustration: Delphine Frantzen

new pitch on the emergence of sociolinguistic stereotypes in preadolescents' roleplay, in collaboration with SciMingo

VRT Taal published an article about Project OMG! 

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Check out our recently published article in VakTaal (2022) 

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