feeling patient today
in a rush here!
Postdoctoral researcher @VUB
PhD in Linguistics
@KU Leuven, Brussels Campus
QLVL Research Group
Project OMG
research areas:
(developmental) sociolinguistics​
contact linguistics - anglicisms
sociolinguistic fieldwork with kids
volunteer Interpreter FR-ENG->DU in primary schools (MDC's)
Hi there! I’m a postdoctoral researcher in linguistics at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, with roots in the Belgian region of the Kempen (think cows, strawberries and a rustic dialect).
I’m a proud citizen of Antwerp now, from where I commute to Brussels. There, I work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Brussels Centre for Language Studies (BCLS) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). In my PhD, supervised by Eline Zenner (KU Leuven) and Laura Rosseel (VUB), I worked on project OMG (check it out!), which investigated the development of social meaning of English in Belgian Dutch preadolescents, bringing together developmental sociolinguistics and anglicism research. My PhD included extensive sociolinguistic fieldwork with children in which new methods are applied in order to shed more light on how the social meaning of linguistic variation is acquired.
I spend my spare time cooking and playing around with graphical design. Academic work is more interesting when it pleases the eye, right?